Allergic Rhinitis / Sinusitis and Acupuncture:
Sinuses are the tubular space behind the forehead, eye, nose, and cheeks. The sinuses get cleared by itself by producing mucus, which directly drains into the nose and keep bacteria, viruses, and allergens away from sinus. Normally sinuses are an empty space for air, which move through it. Sometimes they get blocked due to cold, pollutants (dust or pollen) or nasal growth (polyps). When the sinuses get blocked, the pressure build up on the face which can cause congestion and headache. In medical terminology it is call sinusitis. Other words used in medical terminology which is related to nose and sinus is allergic rhinitis and it involves inflammation of the mucus membranes in the nose. Both are related to upper respiratory issues. Normally, allergic rhinitis appears in response to allergens which can cause a range of sinus-related issues, including:
- congestion
- headache
- runny nose
- pressure around sinuses and face
- postnasal drip
How Acupuncture works for sinusitis/ allergic rhinitis?
According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), overall health is dependent on the flow of ‘chi’ (energy) in the body. The ‘chi’ travels through meridian (channels) in the body. In TCM, a balanced ‘chi’ flow keeps the body healthy and promote natural healing. A stagnant or imbalance ‘chi’ create mental or physical illnesses. In case of sinusitis and allergic rhinitis, Acupuncture points are selected according to meridian theory and very thin needle inserted into the skin to stimulate the points. This stimulation of needle in the acupoints helps to clear the blockage and allow the free movement of ‘chi’ in the meridians.
The main Acupuncture point are used for these concerns are:
HEGU (Li 4)
Electro Acupuncture, Auricular Acupuncture, Cupping, or moxa therapy can be combined according to TCM differentiation of syndromes. Research shows that Acupuncture is effective in case of sinusitis and allergic rhinitis. However, long-term treatment should be used to consolidates the effect and prevent relapse.
If you have recurring sinusitis/allergic rhinitis issues or are willing to try alternative treatments, you can consider Acupuncture as a treatment option. For mor information please call Dr Kusum Lata on (03) 98038718 or email:
Allergic Rhinitis/Sinusitis by Ayurveda:
Ayurvedic interpretation.
According to Ayurveda the sinus infection is produced due to imbalance of Vata and kapha types of energy in the body. These doshas get imbalance due to many reasons such as, climatic change, dust, pollens, unhealthy food habit and cold drinks. This dosha cause obstruction in the normal passage of Vata resulting in symptoms of sinusitis/allergic rhinitis. In case of chronic case, pitta also get disturbed and the issues become more complicated. Ayurveda has effective treatments for this sinusitis/allergic rhinitis.
Ayurveda Treatments
Treatment mainly involve the clearance of obstruction caused by Kapha dosha, without disturbing vata and pitta.
- Snehan:
Snahan is a massage therapy. Herbal ayurvedic oil is used to massage all the sinuses area.
2. Swedana:
Swedana Is sweating therapy. To reduce kapha, the herbs are boiled in water and the steam is applied to the patient on the affected parts until sweat is seen. This exercise helps to reduce the blockage due to kapha.
3. Nasyam:
Nasyam is inhaling the drops of oil. This is one of the panchakarma treatment used for cleansing. Ayurvedic herbal oil which have the property of removing the kapha are used. Normally, it is done after swedana. It cleans the excess kapha in the head. Once the kapha is removed, patient feels better.
4. Dhoomapana:
Dhoomapana is inhaling of herbal smoke. A cone is made from herbs. After doing nasyam, the patient is asked to inhale and exhale through nose and mouth alternately. It is done for many times through both the nasal openings. This helps to eliminate the kapha that causes obstruction in the nose and sinus.
Some lifestyle modifications are helpful to stay away from sinusitis
Taking extra care during cold seasons and protecting from sudden climate change.
Avoid using cold drinks during the cold climate. Always use warm water and fresh food. Avoid day sleep, fried, sugary, junk food, coffee, fried oily food and soft drinks.
Avoid yogurt, banana, avocado and iced drinks.
Regularly use ginger, garlic, pepper, turmeric, cumin, clove, onion, mint.
Drink enough water. Have good exercise.
Avoid smoking and alcohol.
Keep away from dust, pollen, smoke, irritants etc.
Take special care of personal hygiene such clean the nasal passage with warm water or use “neti” pot and apply oil in the nasal passage.
Ayurveda is very helpful and time-tested traditional therapy and is a best treatment for preventing the sinusitis/allergic rhinitis. Ayurvedic herbs are also helpful in chronic conditions. It not only removes the symptom’s but also boost the immunity of the body. So, consult an Ayurvedic Doctor/ practitioner for better results.
For more information please contact on (03) 98038718 or write email on